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foto: Sabine Hackenberg |
Hoy, día de Navidad, se ha emitido por ZDF, después de la bendición "Urbi et Orbe" del Papa, el documental "Begegnungen mit Villazón - Eine musikalische Klosterreise" (Encuentros con Villazón, un viaje musical por los monasterios) , del que ya comentamos en estos post anteriores:
El documental tiene momentos magníficos, y nos acerca al mundo espiritual de los monasterios o, mejor dicho, de las personas que los habitan, con momentos de gran humanidad, ternura, solidaridad y simpatía Aunque, lamentablemente, una parte del contenido queda reservado a los que comprendan el alemán.
El viaje musical cuenta con varias interpretaciones, entre las que destaca, al finalizar, la preciosa Bist du bei mir cantada por Regula Mülhemann y Rolando Villazón.
Bist du bei mir, geh' ich mit Freuden zum Sterben und zu meiner Ruh'. Ach, wie vergnügt wär' so mein Ende, es drückten deine schönen Hände mir die getreuen Augen zu! Gottfried Heinrich Stölzel
Si estás conmigo, entonces felíz iréEl viaje musical cuenta con varias interpretaciones, entre las que destaca, al finalizar, la preciosa Bist du bei mir cantada por Regula Mülhemann y Rolando Villazón.
a mi muerte y a mi descanso.
Ah, que agradable sería mi final,
si tus queridas y dulces manos
cerraran mis ojos fieles.
If you are with me, then I will gladly
go to [my] death and to my rest.
Ah, how pleasant would my end be,
if your dear, fair hands
shut my faithful eyes!
Si tu restes avec moi, alors j'irai en joie
Vers ma mort et mon doux repos.
Ah ! comme elle serait heureuse, ma fin,
Tes jolies mains fermant
mes yeux fidèles !
Un superbe reportage avec de très belles images et des rencontres avec des personnalités exceptionnelles et très intéressantes.
RépondreSupprimerRolando est un présentateur hors pair, chaleureux, très à l'écoute de ses interlocuteurs.
Malheureusement je ne comprends pas l'allemand, et c'est un grand regret .
It would have been great to know German, but seeing the warm and easy rapport between Rolando and those he visits makes it clear yet again why he is a natural choice to host documentaries. And how can you not be delighted by a documentary that pairs "Panis Angelicus" and "Born to Be Wild"?
RépondreSupprimerMe gustó mucho esta película llena de momentos profundamente humanos, llena de empatía, cariño, afecto. Rolando estaba relajado, alegre, en buen humor.
RépondreSupprimerMe encantaron especialmente el encuentro con los niños en el pueblo de Betania y el con la maratoniana hermana. En estas partes tenemos a un Rolando „privado” a quien conocemos poco.
Otros grandes momentos fueron su conversación muy personal con Heiner Geissler .
Me hubiera gustado tener mucho más música con la voz de Rolando.
A wonderful show at a high level and Rolando is honest and respectful at the sometime. I help a little with German:
RépondreSupprimerRolando wants to know what is the power of religion, which moves the world
The politician Geißler was 4 years Jesuit. When he realized that he can not live without a wife , he
drew his own confusions. First, a world collapsed for him because he did not reach his ideal. He has
doubts and whether there is the existence of God is discussed. The question remains - why God created a world that needs to be redeemed. The new pope: he believed in a joke when he received an e-mail: is a Jesuit priest and is called Francis. The new pope is acting like Jesus would behave among us today, without pomp and red shoes. The greatest sin is pride with the Jesuits.
Sister Jordana came early 20s years in the convent, she sought this, because the convent has a children's village. For 1 Year she lives as a SOS mother with 5 children from problem families. Rolando allowed in the kitchen to help the ingredients to cut small and is surprised that sister J.carries no Habit. This would be impractical when cooking and even if it is outside with the kids is normal clothes better, because then people do not talk about the kids and think it's just a big family. Rolando: there are prejudices against nuns? Sister J.: Yes, first because it is believed nuns are unworldly but after a little getting to know is over quickly. She suffers from the fact that they can not change much evil in the world but the children helps she to experience God, that God loves and accepts they. The children's choir already practicing for Christmas.
Rolando has hastened to the Benedictines in the pilgrimage town of Andechs , because he has heard there is a fantastic beer. The ingredients are explained to him and then he can in the brewery. The monks themselves brew beer anymore, which make employees laity.In the church a group of pilgrims and Rolando then the story is told from the mouse, which should be come forth with a note in its mouth, under the altar steps, because then you have found a treasure. The restorers have given as a joke, a gypsum mouse to that location. Carl Orff has lived in the area and is buried in the church. Every year therefore Carl Orff-festival takes place. Rolando is also he oldest part shown behind a door the church.Then there are the deserved boost and Rolando learn: the beer must be poured very slowly!
Many, many thanks, Anna, for your explanation for those who don't understand German!
SupprimerIt was a real gift for Christmas to see this wonderful cloisters, and these special persons with such a guide, as Rolando. We could look at the live of these five special persons assistance his understanding and feeling questions. The most interesting piece for me was the „Bethanien Kinderdorf”. Amazed at the naturalness with which ranged from children.
RépondreSupprimerMerci, Merci, thanks a lot Anna , tes explications m'ont beaucoup intéressée.
RépondreSupprimerThanks, thank you a lot because now I can understand this wonderful video