8 nov. 2008


AquÍ teniu tres imatges, en diferents interpretacions de Figaro, del baix-bariton Kyle Ketelsen, el protagonista de le Nozze de Figaro, que s'estrenen aquest proper dimarts 11 al Liceu.

L'Associació d'Amics del Liceu li ha concedit el seu Premis de la Crítica d'Òpera de la temporada 2007-08 al cantant revelació, per la seva interpretació de Leporello al Don Giovanni del Gran Teatre del Liceu.

I a la seva web consta que, al juliol del 2011, el tindrem com al Escamillo de Carmen. Recordem que es parlava també de Alagna i/o Villazón com a Don José.

No hem trobat res d'audio on Ketelsen interpreti Figaro, tant sols aquest petit fragment del Se vuol ballare, de només 16 segons.

En canvi, si que es pot trobar al Youtube alguna interpretació interessat d'ell, com aquest Note e giorno faticar, en el seu paper de Leporello, a la exitosa i recent producció de Don Giovanni a la ROH.

Fa una setmana vam posar al bloc les primeres imatges de la producció.

El diumenge 9 és l'assaig general de Le Nozze de Figaro, i el dimarts 11, l'estrena. Esperem gaudir molt amb les intrigues i la recerca del plaer i la felicitat per part dels seus mozartians personatges.

La Vanguardia
Diari de Tarragona
Estrella Digital
Noticias de Navarra
El Periódico
El Cultural

Algunes crítiques a d'altres Figaros de Ketelsen


"Kyle Ketelsen was an unforgettable Figaro. So powerfully realized was his playing that one felt that this big-hearted, warm and lovable guy was someone one knew well. Intelligent, sharp, totally present, with just the right mix of bravado and charm, Ketelsen performed like an athlete in peak form. He is the kind of artist for whom singing and acting meet seamlessly, in spontaneous and inspired conception. Even when he was just watching and listening, Ketelsen told us everything he was feeling; when he began to sing, it was pure magic."
Wayman Chin, Opera News

"Kyle Ketelsen created a virile Figaro, and sang with power and consistency. His voice leans towards the bass end of the spectrum. It is large, focused, and easily audible from the all areas of the house. His diction was also quite Ed Tapper, Edge (Boston)

"Kyle Ketelsen is good at suggesting the revolutionary ardour that runs through Figaro’s veins, while still managing to seem a happy-go-lucky fellow, and his youthful bass-baritone promises much for the future."
Richard Fairman, Financial Times

"Both Kyle Ketelsen, a strong bass-baritone, and Brett Polegato...have garnered considerable attention with various recordings and appearances...Mr. Ketelsen, singing Figaro, showed an impressive, rich voice, immediately striking and sustained...these are fine points for someone with a very good voice."
Anne Midgette, New York Times
