24 mars 2013


foto: Edith

Los días 19, 20 y 21 de marzo han tenido lugar tres conciertos de Fabio Luisi y Rolando Villazón en la bella sala del Musikverein de Viena, con música de Britten, Verdi y Brahms, con este programa:

Fabio Luisi director
Rolando Villazon tenor
Wiener Symphoniker

Benjamin Britten "Soirées Musicales", Suite of 5 Movements after Rossini op. 9
Giuseppe Verdi - de 8 Romanze per tenore e orchestra(Arreglos: Luciano Berio)
     In solitaria stanza (Jacopo Vittorelli)
     Il mistero (Felice Romani)
     Deh, pietoso, oh Addolorata (J. W. v. Goethe, trad. Luigi Balestrao)
     L'esule (Temistocle Solera)
Johannes Brahms Symphony No. 4 in e minor op. 98

Este era el programa original, pero ante la insistencia de los aplausos del público, Rolando canto otra de las "8 Romanze" como bis:
Il poveretto (S.M. Maggioni)

Han salido dos reseñas del Kurier y Der Standard, que encontraréis (en alemán, claro) en la pestaña superior de "Prensa".  Todas muy positivas, pero breves y sin ninguna foto.

Afortunadamente, en el Blog Villazonista si tenemos imágenes de esos conciertos, y también una crónica, todo ello de Edith. También contamos con el audio de una de las canciones, Deh, pietoso, oh Addolorataproporcionado por una lectora. ¡Muchísimas gracias a las dos!

E lucevan le stelle...  
Not afraid, I was not in the wrong opera performance! Rolando, knight of hearts "served sparkling gems on the golden plate" the Golden Hall of the Vienna Musikverein.His voice was brilliant, powerful and subtle in his several feelings of the arias.It was incredible, and Rolando superbly produced real precious jewels. And my expectations were exceeded by more than.''In solitaria stanza'' and "L'Esule" - (I remember on the Concert ''Tresors du Belcanto" – and “L'Esule” ... then and now - it had already me back then ripped off the chair!) - this two music romances were full of grief, distress and thoughts of death - a deeply moving interpretation.With ''Il mistero" Rolando gave us the feel a burning increasing passion. And then there was "Deh, pietoso, oh Adolorata" - Rolando had designed with vocal beauty a touching, poignant prayer; and he internalizes and desperate implored. A true masterpiece! For me, this aria was my absolute secret favourite - although I liked every interpretation Rolandos.Of course the audience had not enough from Rolando!!!As an encore he sang another aria of the music romances (not yet known to me): "Il Poveretto" - Rolando sang it so impressive, with fervently and imploring gestures. 
What a prudent conductor Fabio Luisi, who has the ability to "breathe" with the artists and offered together with the orchestra, the Vienna Symphony Orchestra, a wonderful performance accomplished. A ravishing interpretation of Benjamin Britten's Soirees musicales op.9 and a brilliant performance of Brahms's Symphony No.. 4 in E minor, Op.98. - Fabio Luisi conducting Brahms without Music note sheet! Incredibly fabulous!  
Rolando is an extraordinary artist and human, with warmth and emotion.It's fascinating to watch him as he builds up within a short time contact with the audience and at stage door with fans, friends and all ….Rolando has enchanted me and I went home full of smile and happiness. And the beautiful melodies of the memorable evening accompanied me.Viva Villazón! Thank you, dearest Rolando!

También se han podido leer, en Twiter, las palabras elogiosas hacia Rolando de Fabio Luisi:

Making music again with @RolandoVillazon, great voice, great musician. One of the great singer's personality of our time! A pleasure!

AUDIO Deh, pietoso, oh Addolorata

Deh, pietoso, oh Addolorata,
China il guardo al mio dolore;
Tu, una spa da fitta in core,
Volgi gl'occhi desolata
Al morente tuo figliuol.
Quello occhiate, i sospir vanno
Lassù al padre e son preghiera
Che il suo tempri ed il tuo affanno.
Come a me squarcin le viscere 
Gl'insoffribili miei guai
E dell'ansio petto i palpiti
Chi comprendere può mai?
Di che trema il cor? Che vuol?
Ah! tu sola il sai, tu sol!
Sempre, ovunque il passo io giro,
Qual martiro, qual martiro
Qui nel sen porto con me!
Solitaria appena, oh, quanto 
Verso allora, oh, quanto pianto
E di dentro scoppia il cor.
Sulvasel del finestrino 
La mia la crima scendea
Quando all'alba del mattino
Questi fior per te cogliea,
Chè del sole il primo raggio
La mia stanza rischiarava
E dal letto micacciava
Agitandomi il dolor.
Ah, per te dal disonore,
Dalla morte io sia salvata.
Deh, pietoso al mio dololre
China il guardo, oh Addolorata!

Por cierto, que si queréis saber que inscripción lleva la camiseta negra de Rolando en las dos últimas fotos os lo puedo desvelar. Es una frase de Nikos Kazantzakis en griego:

Δεν ελπίζω τίποτε. Δεν φοβούμαι τίποτε. Είμαι λεύτερος
I expect nothing. I fear no one. I am free.
No espero nada. No temo a nada. Soy libre.

fotos: Edith