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imagen: Twitter @carnegiehall |
Agradezco mucho a Janet la magnífica crónica que me acaba de enviar sobre el Requiem de Verdi en el que participó Rolando Villazón, el pasado martes 23, en el Carnegie Hall de New York. Al final, podéis ver un video de 44 minutos de este Requiem. Aunque la calidad de sonido es muy irregular, todos sabemos lo complicado que es grabar en esas circunstancias y, al menos, el usuario de Youtube KidsPrimeTime nos ofrece la oportunidad de visionar este excepcional documento.
After Joanna, Marion, and Eleanore covered the action at Philadelphia’s Verizon Hall, I took over the reporter’s pad at Carnegie Hall on October 23. I was literally a bit handicapped in this assignment because a month ago, I fell down a particularly steep flight of stairs while carrying a suitcase and broke my left ankle in several places! So I came to Carnegie Hall in a black chariot of a wheelchair and had to give up a much better seat for a place at the very back of the Orchestra level, the only place my chair would fit in this completely sold-out Hall. I was lucky to get in there in my situation, but fortunately, I work for Carnegie Hall writing the program notes for most of the major vocal recitals and some orchestral concerts, so the staff there really gave me wonderful help.
Amazingly, the acoustics were quite good there even though I was at the very back of the Hall and sitting under the balcony overhang, which is usually a real dead spot. And I could hear for myself how very strongly Rolando was projecting his voice, even into this black hole. His voice rang out not only in his glorious “Ingemisco,” but throughout all the solo ensemble number in which he always sounded firm, vibrant, and very musically solid. And for me, how the soloist sounds and creates his music when he’s not doing his big show piece is the REAL test of quality. Rolando met it handsomely!
Ah, but that “Ingemisco”! Rolando sang it with tremendous passion and beauty of tone. His two high B-flats, which Verdi made extra difficult by making the tenor climb slowly up to them, were absolutely gorgeous: big, golden notes that shone and were completely free of strain.
As Joanna reported, The Philadelphia Orchestra played magnificently under Yannick Nézet-Séguin’s exciting, but well-controlled baton. And the Westminster Choir was extraordinary: these young people sang with a power and discipline that few more mature choruses in the world could match. I liked the other soloists — the wonderfully rich yet sweet-voiced Christine Rice in the mezzo solos and the velvety-voiced bass Mikail Petrenko (whose voice, however, did not project as well as Rolando’s in the ensembles). I was not too fond of the soprano Marina Poplavskaya, who sang as though she were at a different concert from her fellow soloists, oblivious to what they were doing, and was often shrill and shaky in her intonation. But that was a minor flaw — the performance as a whole was thrilling and the audience responded with at least 15 minutes of standing ovations.
My next adventure was getting backstage to Rolando’s dressing room! I had a wonderful man on the Carnegie security staff who moved heaven and earth to get me there. He even CARRIED me IN MY WHEELCHAIR up a short flight of stairs that were blocking me from the dressing room!! There Rolando broke away from a crowd of well-wishers to talk with me and give me two enormous hugs, which I think will make my ankle heal in record time!! After all, he is Doctor Rollo and one of the biggest hearts on Planet Earth. I will never forget this tremendous evening of great music-making capped by a warm encounter with a truly great human being!
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imagen: Twitter @carnegiehall (ampliación) |
Je viens d'apprendre le détail de "Requiem de Verdi" à New York et je dois en faire rapport, parce que ceci est un autre chef-d'oeuvre de l'Villazonistas BLOG - beaucoup merci beaucoup. Quelle augmentation incroyable de Rolando contre le "Requiem" de Vienne la saison demière. Il etait déjà très bon , mais maintenant c'est paradisiaque! Quelle beauté et la puissance de la voix! J'envie les gens qui étaient ce spectacle là-bas, ils se souviendront longtemps.
RépondreSupprimerJanet, thank you for this absolutely wonderful report!
RépondreSupprimerA debut at Carnegie Hall only happens once, and I'm thrilled for Rolando that it was such a triumph.
What a great story about going backstage! I knew that you'd make it and that Rolando would be delighted to see you.
The next time Rolando comes to Carnegie Hall, YOU will be the one writing the program notes.
I hope that Rolando's triumph in the U.S. will make him eager to come back very soon. When he does come, and I'm sure he will, he is guaranteed full coverage by a team of villazonistas.
Thanks again to Janet and Teresa for the post!
This is absolutely amazing... I can't believe I've experienced some of the Requiam... I can't thank you enough. I loved it, the conductor, the soloists, the chorus, the orchestra, the music.
RépondreSupprimerThe Philadelphia Orchestra is one of my favorite orchestras-- and of course Charles Dutoit had it for a couple of years. I'm very happy they've solved some of their financial problems. The Seattle Symphony acquired some of their fabulous players when no one was certain that they'd survive.
In defense of Poplavskaya: of course I wasn't there, and couldn't read her body language well, but she's just finished a very emotional run of Due Foscari at LA Opera. Sometimes she goes into a kind of trance-- I find her very moving. Her voice is just outrageous-- in its pure sound, its quality and freedom. She reminds me of Leontyne Price. Well, I think she's special.
One thing I noticed is that the orchestra seemed a little overwhelmed by the chorus. The chorus is very good, no problem there, but I wonder about balance. Again, it's very hard for me to judge-- I wasn't there.
I just want to say "thank you," again. Thanks so much. What a treat!
Thank you so much Janet for this marvalous story! Get well soon! And thanks a lot KidsPrimeTime for the recording, in spite of everything I have enjoyed a lot watching and listening. No doubt, it was a great event and also a huge success for Yannick whose way of conducting I just love: full of emotions, clear and firm and also so elegantly... (And what a nice photo of him). Bravo, Rolando, for this triumphant return to the USA!
RépondreSupprimerWhat a beautiful report, so moving and full of interesting details!That's true that Dr Rollo makes miracles...
RépondreSupprimerI am so happy to read these wonderful news from Carnegie Hall and to learn that our Rolandito was GREAT , as he usually says : "OTRA VEZ...."
Many thanks, dear Janet !
Muchas gracias Teresita !
Many thanks Janet for this passionate report.
RépondreSupprimerI am so happy for Rolando que pour son retour à NY soit un succès !!
I am also very happy for Yannick pour cette ouverture triomphale à la tête du Philarmonic .
Welch wunderbares "Requiem"und sensibler Bericht - grossen Dank für alles Rolando war grossartig und er hat es auch nach einer schweren Zeit verdient. Möge es nur so weiter gehen!
RépondreSupprimerTenía gran ansiedad por conocer como le había ido a Rolando en NY...al ver y escuchar el video...(conmovedor "Hostias)...y leer la crónica de Janet, dió paso a la tranquilidad y a la alegría en mi corazón.
RépondreSupprimerRolando no estaba en el escenario, sino adentro del "Requiem" totalmente.
Muchas gracias a las chicas Villazonistas: Johanna, Marión, Eleonore y a Janet un GRACIAS especial por haberse "olvidado" de su quebradura" y estar presente y comunicar a los que no estuvimos allí, la experiencia extraordinaria de éste "Requiem" y además todo el sentimiento que vibró en su piel.
Y como siempre MUCHAS GRACIAS a Teresa, siempre atenta para publicar "al toque"
Un gran abrazo para todas...de Una Villazonista de Ley
Merci Janet ,votre cheville va mieux ? grâce au bon docteur Rollo. Magnifique succès pour Rolando , ce requiem est un grand moment musical .Belle photo de Yannick chef émérite.