13 oct. 2024

SERENATA LATINA - Illertissen 12 octobre 2024

 La chronique  et les photos d'Anne Fischer-Boertzler : 

Serenata Latina in Illertissen im Kolleg der Schulbrüder - 12.Okt.2024

Die Serenata Latina ist seit 3 Jahren eine Erfolgsstory ❤️ Die wunderbar ausgesuchten Lieder sind immer wieder ein Feuerwerk an Emotionen - 🥰🎶❤️🎶 interpretiert mit überbordender Leidenschaft , tiefem Schmerz , grosser Freude und unzähligen emotionalen Zwischentönen in Rolandos einmaliger Stimme — mal mit übersprühender Kraft dargeboten , dann wieder mit leisen , dahingehauchten Tönen , die die Seele erweichen und das Verlangen und den Wunsch nach Liebe ausdrücken ❤️🌹❤️…. unterstützt von Xaviers virtuoser Begleitung ❣️👍
Beide Ausnahmekünstler sind im Laufe ihrer gemeinsamen Arbeit an der Serenata immer mehr zusammengewachsen. Ihre Freundschaft und ihr gemeinsames Verständnis der Musik schafft eine besondere Atmosphäre im Publikum .
Rolandos Gabe Emotionen nicht nur mit der Stimme auszudrücken, sondern auch mit Gestik und Mimik und Xaviers Solo Stücke auf der Harfe haben die Zuschauer zu Beifallsstürmen hingerissen 👏🌹👏🌹👏 Standing Ovations !
Im Publikum sass übrigens auch Diana Damrau , die ebenfalls mit Xavier de Maistre vor einigen Jahren auf Tour war …., und auch schon mit Rolando mehrfach gesungen hat . Sie wurde von Rolando überrascht , der plötzlich von der Bühne „ sprang“ …zu ihr hinlief und sie herzlich umarmte und begrüsste 🤗 und natürlich kam auch Xavier , um Diana zu umarmen 🤗 Alle Drei glücklich vereint 🥰
Bravissimo 👏👏👏 Was für ein besonderer Konzertabend 🌹




















9 oct. 2024

FESTIVAL DES NATIONS - "Amore e follia" - 6 octobre 2024



                                             Photo :  Fabian Lippke            

La chronique d'Antonella : 

Bellissimo recital a Bad Wörishofen

La sera del 6 ottobre Rolando ha tenuto alla Kurhaus di Bad Wörishofen un

bellissimo concerto del ciclo “Amore e follia”, insieme al mezzosoprano Kate

Lindsay, e accompagnato dalla Philarmonie Baden-Baden diretta dal sempre

ottimo Guerassim Voronkov. Assolutamente non scontato il programma, che

ha spaziato dal Barocco al Classicismo, al Belcanto, fino all’Opera francese.

Nella prima parte, dopo l’ouverture de “L’anima del filosofo” di F.J. Haydn, vi

è stata un’incursione nel Barocco con un’aria dal “Bajazet” di A. Vivaldi

cantata dalla Lindsay, per poi lasciare spazio dapprima a uno splendido

duetto amoroso Orfeo/Euridice (“Come il foco allo splendore”) e poi al

recitativo e aria di Orfeo dopo la morte di Euridice (“Dov’è quell’alma audace

… In un mar d’acerbe pene”), ormai cavallo di battaglia di Rolando, dalla già

citata opera di Haydn.

La prima parte è stata chiusa dalla bellissima aria di Romeo “Se Romeo ti

uccise un figlio” da “I Capuleti e i Montecchi” di V. Bellini (com’è noto, in

quest’opera il ruolo di Romeo è sostenuto da un mezzosoprano en travesti) e

dal duetto Romeo/Tebaldo (“Deserto è il loco …”), virtuosistico e adeguato a

mostrare le doti vocali sia del tenore che del mezzosoprano.

Nella seconda parte sono stati offerti brani da “Les contes d’Hoffmann” di J.

Hoffenbach, con un vertice, naturalmente, nel “Va pour Kleinzach” di

Rolando, come sempre osannato e applauditissimo. La parte ufficiale del

concerto si è conclusa con la drammatica scena finale dell’uccisione di

Desdemona dall’ultimo atto dell’ “Otello” di G. Rossini, ove entrambi i cantanti

hanno davvero dato il meglio di sé, sia vocalmente che per le capacità di

interpretazione. Rolando è apparso in ottima forma, con grande potenza

vocale e con la consueta intensità e capacità di trasmettere grandi emozioni

al pubblico. Il suo Kleinzach, ma anche il suo Orfeo e il suo Otello, sono

capaci di dare i brividi e restano indimenticabili. E’ sicuramente solida e molto

buona anche la sua intesa con il mezzosoprano.

Generosissimi i bis, ben quattro: il pezzo di zarzuela “Ya mis horas felices”

(Rolando), “Ah, que j’aime les militaires!” da “La Grande-Duchesse de

Gerolstein di Hoffenbach (Kate), e a due il valzer della Vedova Allegra di F.

Lehar (con tanto di danza) e l’intramontabile “Non ti scordar di me”.

Sentiti, convinti e prolungati gli applausi per i due interpreti, per il direttore e

per l’orchestra, al termine di questa splendida serata.


En bonus, un magnifique album de photos du concert et de la

fête qui lui a succédé. 



8 oct. 2024

FESTIVAL DES NATIONS - "Amore e follia" - 6 octobre 2024

 La chronique d'Eléonore :

Bad Wörishofen, 06 10 24

Rolando at the closing concert of the Festival of Nations

I MUST start with the last number of the official part of the concert.
Duet of Desdemona and Otello from Rossini's Otello.
I heard it several times with Rolando, every time he sang magnificently.
But this evening Rolando gave something very special..., something beyond words and imagination. 
His voice offered thousand nuances of desperation, anger, jealousy, rage, love ... The prodigious singing with its beloved expressiveness was accompanied by a deepest,  heartbreakingly emotional and touching performance and stage presence, making us feel profoundly every feeling. 

With his voice at its best shape, Rolando sang an amazing 'programme : a duet from 'L'anima del filosofo' by Haydn, 'Torna, vezzosa Fillide' and a duet from "I Capuleti e i Montecchi',  both by Bellini, and 'La légende de Kleinzach' from 'The Tales of Hoffmann'.

Joy and surprise to rehear these pieces of Bellini - the Belcanto in its most beautiful sound with the softest notes of Rolando's voice.
'La légende de Kleinzach' is always a special experience with Rolando. Every single time great, every single time different, offering a whole dramatic scene. Rolando, once more, performed the gorgeous aria with all his playing skills for bringing all facets of the character to life .

Several encores to finish this extraordinary concert : Rolando's brilliant 'Ya mis horas felices', 'and his two fascinating duets with the mezzo soprano ':Lippen schweigen', 'Non ti scordar di me', and another one from Kate Lindsey, unfortunately unknown to me.
As singing colleague of Rolando, Kate Lindsey sang sensitively, with finesse and softness, and with sweet tones. 
A new orchestral partner, the great Philharmonie Baden-Baden and a conductor whose music we have known well since his 'debut' with Rolando in the fantastic Barcelona concert in 2011.  

Tremendous success, extended, thunderous applause, standing ovations.


Les photos de Klari  : 





2 oct. 2024

CONCERT FOR HUMANITY - Dusseldorf , October 1st

La chronique d'Eléonore  :

Stage+ offered the immense pleasure to see Rolando and hear him sing live at the Düsseldorf concert. .
For this special occasion, he chose Verdi's three romances :
"Non t'accostare all'urna"
"Il poveretto" 
A perfect choice excellently adapted to the concept of the evening. 
Rolando's voice was magnificent, luminous, the performance extremely emotional and powerful, with all the dramatic force required by these songs..
When interviewed, Rolando talked about Verdi, whose music is a mixture of belcanto and dramatic energy, and he also mentioned Verdi's strong political engagement. 
Some of Rolando's thoughts :
"For me there are no borders. Music and art, they connect us all." 
Speaking of the orchestra, he added : "It doesn't matter where they are from, or where they were born." He also said he is Mexican and had just arrived from Mexico.
"We are brother and sister, making music together and making art together. Art brings us together."
A touching human evening with great performers and a beautiful artistic programme! 


Photos  : Klari (from the television program)




1 oct. 2024

Concert pour l'Humanité - Dusseldorf

 Ce soir, 1er octobre, Rolando participera au concert en faveur de l'Ukraine, entouré de nombreux artistes.




30 sept. 2024


 After Rolando's glorious and victorious concert tour in Mexico, it was a heartwarming feeling to have him at the Apertura concert in Salzburg, just two days after his return from Mexico. 

The evening was part of the programme entitled "Latino Mozart" aiming to present the rich and varied relationships between Mozart and the Latin-American countries and cultures - where a passionate "Latino mood' is added to the music of Mozart.

Deeply loved in Salzburg, Rolando, moderator of the evening, was received by a thunderous and very warm applause, when stepping on stage.
His t-shirt with the Aztec "Sun Stone" was a brilliant introduction to the "Latino" mood. 

He presented the Iberacademy, the Mozart Festival in Cuba, the Havana Lyceum Orchestra, Keri-Lynn Wilson and the soloists.
Rolando told some words about the metro net in Mexico City, in connection with one of the pieces, the "Metro chabacano", a music creating a bewitching atmosphere.

Speaking of violin concertos, he mentioned that there are composers who do not compose a single one, there are others who compose one - but Mozart composed five!
The programme was extremely varied and colorful : 
- D. Bortniansky : Suite from the opera "Alcide" 
- Mozart : Violin concerto KV 219
- J. Alvarez : Metro Chabacano
- A. Márquez : Danzón No. 2
- V. Zubitsky : Omaggio ad Astor Piazzola

Loved very much these mesmerizing pieces of music by Álvarez, Márquez and Zubitsky for their extremely special rhythm, their incredibly sparkling sounds, for the use of strange sound effects and unusual music instruments! The sound of the orquestra was gorgeous, loved particularly the wind instruments and the pianist's fantastic playing.

An evening offering a great latin mood and atmosphere!


Photos :  Klari