1 feb 2013


From September 25, 2012 to December 15, 2012, The Glenn Gould Foundation invited the public to nominate outstanding women and men for the Tenth Glenn Gould Prize
The Tenth Prize Jury who will select the Laureate includes screenwriter and director Deepa Mehta (Canada); legendary music producer Bob Ezrin (Canada/USA); award-winning author and essayist, John Ralston Saul (Canada); singer-songwriter, poet and artist Patti Smith (United States); and entrepreneur, arts philanthropist and longtime advisor to the London Symphony Orchestra Sir David Tang (Hong Kong) and one of opera’s leading tenors, Rolando Villazón (Mexico/France) with Prize Chair, Paul Hoffert C.M. (Canada).  The winner of the Tenth Glenn Gould Prize will be announced at a news conference on Thursday, February 21, 2013 at Toronto’s Sony Centre for the Performing Arts.  
An international symbol of creative excellence, The Glenn Gould Prize is awarded to an individual for a unique lifetime contribution that has enriched the human condition through the arts. The Glenn Gould Prize honours a leading figure in the Arts fields, as related to the theme of music and communication, for a lifetime of extraordinary creative achievement and innovation. 

4 comentarios:

  1. Very cool. Who did you nominate, Rolando?

  2. Wow... Presenting a famous classic gala, or a TV show has a lot to do with Rolando's carisma, spontaneity, way of treating art and people. Being part of such a prestigious jury...is already something else: is the recognition of the intellectual Rolando, has much more to do with how much a person is valued as cultural icon, not only intelligent but also highly educated (Barenboim said about Rolando he is the man most read in the world of music he ever met), with the philosopher behind the public appearance ... It is as playing football in the highest League... Chapeau, Rolando! On another note, I could not help noticing that since the prize was set up in 1987 no woman was awarded this prestigious prize. Maybe it is because the public do not nominate women? Or because no woman is old enough to be awarded (since the prize is the coronation of a life time career)?

    1. Yes, I agree that Rolando's being asked to nominate is recognition that Rolando is an intellectual being. Women are still rare in certain areas-- few music conductors, film directors of photography (cinematographers), film directors. Interestingly, there are a lot of women producers, and there are a lot of women writers-- but few female writers in TV or film. There are more women composers than ever before!

  3. Renate ,très juste analyse .Rolando homme très intelligent ,instruit ,curieux et surtout d'une approche aisée .
    Encore une présentation prestigieuse où Rolando va exceller comme à son habitude .
