31 may 2011


Ahora si os puedo confirmar la noticia de una manera oficial: Rolando Villazón participara en el JAPAN TOUR 2011, del MET, interpretando a Edgardo, en Lucía de Lammermoor, el 9 de Junio, con Diana Damrau en el papel protagonista.

y también...leer  /  and also...read

12 comentarios:

  1. Following the nuclear disaster in Japan, it is perfectly understandable why several performers chose to withdraw from the tour in Japan. This is very prudent, reasonable, and rational, and I think many of us would have made the same decision in these circumstances.

    Nonetheless, Rolando, Piotr, and Alexy have chosen to replace prudence and reason with heart, compassion, and generosity, and for that I say to each of them: bravísimo! You are all princes, and my hat goes off to you.

  2. Tout cela me semble très précipité !! Comment Rolando peut-il être prêt en si peu de temps pour chanter Edgardo dans Lucia di Lammermoor au Japon ???
    Il n'a pas interprété ce rôle depuis 2008 au MET.
    De plus s'ajoute le décalage horaire.
    On peut comprendre son envie de réintégrer l'équipe du MET,et d'agir pour le Japon, mais quelle folie !!!
    Je croise les doigts pour que tout se passe bien afin que les Japonais voient Rolando tel qu'il est : un immense artiste.

  3. I have to agree with Danièle. I surely hope it isn't to much. Not only that he must prepare for the role of Edgardo again, not to mention the jetlag too, but he is also busy with popstar to operastar at that time. Please Rolando, don't overdo it. Take care of your horse and yourself.

  4. Sur le site officiel de Rolandon si l'on regarde son schedule "Where is Rolando in the World""undefined"
    Qu'est ce que cela veut dire ????
    Que Rolando s'est échappé, sans prévenir son staff ????
    Pourquoi doit-on apprendre les nouvelles par forum opéra, ou certains articles de presse ????

  5. You make some good points, Danièle. And what about Popstar to Operstar? The first show is Sunday the 5th, I think. Then does he jump on a plane for Japan, sing on the 9th, then jump on a plane back to London? And what about the mentoring he would be doing during the week? Will Katherine Jenkins do all the mentoring?

  6. Rolando artiste immense et généreux.plein de compassion.
    Je comprends la démarche,tant d'autres artistes ont annulés les représentations dans ce malheureux pays.
    Les autorités japonaises vont prendre des précautions exemplaires pour honorer des artistes si courageux.

  7. Terrific good words expressed by Peter Gelb of the Met and published in the article here above.
    Of course I understand that some artists pull back from dangerous and risky situations. That makes it so brave and fantastic of the artists who are willing to jump in , even if it can mean(low possibility) a risk for their health. It proves the good and human side of these artists. Rolando to start with. Of course it is very soon , actually in two weeks time and Daniele is right when she says that he did not sing Lucia since 2008. But I think he knows this part so well that he
    will certainly give an excellent performance in Tokyo and make the best of it. On the other hand he is acting like a factotum della città. He really is everywhere for the moment. Popstart/Operastar in London, Tokyo,Mexico, all this in June. A lot. I hope he will take some time out to rest in between all these obligations.

  8. Sinceramente, me parece que no comparto en absoluto algunas actitudes de "madres o abuelas sufridoras". Que si no tendrá la ópera preparada, que si el jetlang, que si tiene demasiadas cosas...

    Si Rolando se ha comprometido a hacerlo, es porque puede hacerlo y, porque aunque seguramente le suponga un esfuerzo suplementario, su actitud es siempre la de la cooperación y la solidaridad. Os recuerdo que participó en la Gala Hope Japan, en Paris, y si ahora el MET le ha pedido una sustitución para esos cantantes que temen "contaminarse", no ha dudado en aceptar, sabiendo que "contamina" más que eso hacerse una simple radiografia.
    Me alegro de que vuelva a trabajar para el MET y espero que pronto lo haga tambien en Nueva York (verdad, Joanna?)

  9. A mí también me sorprendió, pero también, como Teresa, supongo que él sabe muy bien lo que hace.
    ¡¡¡Muchas gracias, Rolando!!! Siempre demostrando que lo primero es ser una buena persona. Lo único que le reprocho al Met es que no cantara con Natalie. Besos para todos.

  10. Yes, yes, yes, Teresa, the fact that the Met has asked him to do this is just the first sign that, of course, they want him back. How could it be otherwise? The Met's schedule is planned so far in advance that many of the performers haven't been born yet. I'm sure everyone's working on it. :-)))))

    I think there are many levels on which he wanted to do this: resuming his relationship with the Met and with American audiences who love him so. Then there's the fantastic role of Edgardo, with so many drop dead arias and that crazy duet in the garden with Lucia. Then there's that awesome death scene, and we know how much he loves his death scenes. :-) And lastly, but most importantly, he wants to go and sing for the people of Japan. Even though this is not a benefit concert, the fact that so many have said YES at this particular time in Japan's history is an important show of support. And, of course, Rolando wanted to be part of it!

    How could he have said NO?

  11. Rolando es un cantante profesional, y como profesional hace lo que debe de hacer para cantar las óperas que ha aceptado.

    Las fechas están prudentemente separadas, así que yo no le veo ningún problema.

    Y lo felicito por ésta iniciativa, que no nos extraña conociéndolo, la verdad.

  12. tous ses admirateurs dont je fais partie , savent que cette voix exceptionnelle doit ètre ménagée . cher rolando : prenez soin de cette voix que nous aimons tant ! votre générosité et votre humanité vous ont certainement fait prendre ce risque .au japon on appréciera beaucoup ce geste , on vous souhaite un grand succès !
