5 feb 2009


Rolando Villazón se ha puesto en contacto con el Baden-Baden Festspielhaus para comunicarles que cancela sus representaciones de Iolantha, de 18, 21 y 24 de julio de 2009, en las que compartía escenario con Anna Netrebko. El motivo aducido es que prefiere concentrarse en su repertorio, que no incluye esta ópera.

Pero se mantienen las funciones del Werther, en el mismo Festival, con Elina Garanca de los dias 7 y 10 de junio, añadiendo otra fecha, el 14 de junio, inicialmente no prevista ( como compensación).

Un fragmento del texto en francés de su carta:
« Tu sais à quel point il est important que les chanteurs se sentent totalement bien dans leurs rôles. C’est pourquoi, après mûre réflexion, j’ai décidé de ne pas intégrer ce rôle à mon répertoire et de me retirer, le cœur gros. »

En la web del Festival podéis leer la notícia.
Danke, plonky!

27 comentarios:

  1. Très dommage ! car ce sera encore un DVD sans Rolando...C'est leur maison de disques commune qui va être contente ! et les Villazonistas...

    Il est vrai aussi qu'il s'agit d'un tout nouveau rôle pour lui (puisqu'il n'a chanté jusqu'ici qu'un seul duo en concert avec Anna). A savoir si c'est vraiment pour se concentrer sur ses rôles actuels ou pour une autre raison...

    Vraiment très regrettable en tous cas !


  2. Bueno, yo opino que es muy relativamente "regrettable" (deplorable?).

    Cuando se tienen que tomar decisiones, lo bueno es tomarlas, por duras que sean (iba a decir "coger el toro por los cuernos", pero eso en otros idiomas...).

    Creo que esa cancelación, y alguna más de las actuaciones que tiene previstas para los próximos años (algunas en concreto, subrayo) son una excelente medida para que Rolando recupere el equilibrio. Y no digo más.

  3. ÉL mejor que nadie sabe lo que le conviene en cada momento y por los motivos que le conviene aceptar o cancelar funciones.
    Nada que decir. Seguro que será una decisión acertada.

  4. Theresa je suis d'accord sur le fait que l'annulation de Iolanta est certainement le commencement pour Rolando d'une période plus calme et une gestion plus raisonnable de ses contrats. Cela ne peut-être que bénéfique pour sa voix. Je souhaite qu'il soit entièrement remis pour Werther car sinon les critiques se feront un plaisir de le démolir.

    comme vous tous je suis très déçue par son annulation de la représentation de Lucia mais surtout je suis très inquiète pour lui, j'espère que ce n'est qu'un problème mineur de rhume, angine ou autre bronchite. Je fais du chant choral et le moindre rhume ou mal de gorge et pas moyen de sortir une note aigue correcte.
    Quant à son moral qu'en est-il??
    si seulement nous pouvions lui communiquer nos encouragements et notre soutien je crois que se seraitnpositif pour lui. mais comment procéder ??

  5. I am glad he canceled Iolanta. This is better for him by all means.

  6. Sí, a mí también me gustaría que pudiéramos mandarle de alguna manera nuestro cariño para que se recupere pronto y sin presiones y nuestra absoluta confianza en él. ¿Podríamos firmar un mail conjunto con todo el "Villazónpower" y mandárselo a su sitio?. Perdón, tampoco hay que dar demasiada magnitud a algo que no tiene importancia, pero me imagino todo lo que va a atacarlo la crítica. Besos rolanderos.

  7. Podemos, podemos, pero yo creo que sin dramatizar. Miraré si os hago una propuesta de email, la idea es buena, si sabemos darle el toque positivo adecuado.

  8. Dear Huhas1,
    what is your feeling about that :

    Have you noticed during and/or at the end of Lucia's performances any sign of coldness, discord or/and nervousness between Anna and Rolando which could be at the origin of some events that you know?..
    The private life and the work have to be separated and it seems to me it would be very sad if such an exceptional artistic partnership was interrupted definitively because a private purpose.

    Sorry for my disastrous English !


  9. Teresa,
    j'avais pensé lui écrire par l'intermediaire de son site officiel, mais je doute qu'il ait le temps de lire tous les messages qui lui sont envoyés, sinon envoyer un mail à son agent en France Dominique Riber en lui demandant de lui transmettre.

  10. Esta noche pondré en el blog una propuesta de mensaje...si lo veis bien, la enviaremos a todas partes: blog, manager francesa, y manager internacional, que, por cierto, ha cambiado hace poco. Si lo enviamos a los tres sitios, habrá más posibilidades que por alguno le llegue.

  11. Pour information : à chaque fois que je me suis adressée personnellement à D. Riber, elle m'a répondu fort courtoisement. Il est donc possible de lui envoyer quelques lignes sur sa messagerie personnelle avant d'envoyer le message pour Rolando (son adresse e.mail figure sur le site de Rolando).
    Ce message des Villazonistas est une excellente idée.


  12. Lo siento por la frase pero "la cagamos".... Yo tengo entrada para el 18 de julio y me costó una pasta. Jopetas!.

  13. Fedora! hello , hola, bonjour
    mon traducteur n'a rien voulu savoir et rien n'est traduit,je crois comprendre que tu as un billet pour le 18 et cela a coûté cher ?(moi pour le 21juillet et je me demande ..)
    Voilà ce que c'est d'avoir une fixaion sur un ténor ...quand il ne va pas bien et qu'on suit ses rôles,il y a des passages délicats!!!Question de choix faits sur lesquels il est difficile de revenir. Qu'il aille mieux et s'il ne chante pas ce bel opéra ,un autre s'en chargera avec on le sait beaucoup moins d'engagement et de charme!

  14. Catherine la Parisienne:

    Why you said this is new role for Rolando? He sings it from 2000. In fact he did it in 2000 in Mexico. in 2002 in USA and in Antibes festival, in 2006 in Orange festival and in Baalbeck.

    To answer your question about coldness etc. between Protagonistas in Lucia; I did not notice anything. Even more I specially DID NOT TRY to notice anything except music....I have endless respect to Rolando-person and tremendous trust in everything what he does in art and life.

  15. To Huhas1 :
    I didn't say anything about a new role ??? I know Rolando has sung many times Edgardo. It's probably a misunderstanding !

    But I understand very well in your message that you consider my question as an indiscretion.
    You can think as you want...


    P.S. when I speak about a "new role", I comment Iolanta cancellation and not Lucia.

  16. Anónimo6/2/09, 2:37

    I was using translator here on this site. That how it was translated. Sorry, I did not understand right.
    About your other question.. it is not indiscretion, not at all. People are bringing this out.. One thing I can tell you that Rolando is in fact very closed person , keeps inside many things not always merry and happy. In the same time he appears very extroverted and generous with people. He is just incredible person and his talent and personality have many sides.
    About professional and personal relations in art world everything is not very simple. You said right "it must be separated".. Right. But in reality I can give you number of examples from theatre, movies and operas where it did not go that smoothly.
    I don't know anything about Rolando except fact that he wants very much to be left alone in this and all other areas..
    Hope you're not mad at me, Catherine..

  17. This is all very very sad. Especially reading numerous reviews and contributions predicting the end of Rolando's career. Some people are really unfair and cruel in their opinions, stating Rolando "would have been literally booed off the stage of less forgiving houses; ... and the cleaner the recording, the worse he sounds (it's often the opposite)". It is bekoming almost masochistic reading all this stuff. Only fans like Villazonistas, Huhas1 and some others do not add to the choir of destroyers.

    I can only say I am quite depressed by this and wish him to get well soon and silence his critics, although it would be naive to expect he will silence them all. Keeping my fingers crossed for Rolando,


  18. Unfortunately, I know you are right Nika...
    I have seen and heard and read it many times, how mean people can be towards opera singers in particular (not towards actors, pop singers or other artists!!!) and what a sick pleasure they seem to draw from this activity!!! I really cannot explain it... I always thought that opera fans were (or rather ... should be!) cultivated people who could appreciate a voice, but who could also understand and accept that opera singers are also human beings, just like any of us, who can be sick or affected by personal or other problems that can affect their singing. They are not superhumans, even if their great talent places them a little higher than the rest of us!
    Instead, from the time I enterd this world as a fan, I am under the ipression that I entered an arena... No mistakes are allowed, singers and conductors get booed in theatres, all they have offerd up to that point doesn't seem to matter anymore, their feelings even less... I am angered at all this, but unfortunately ... I don't think that it can change! Too many people seem to feed on meanness. And now they have Rolando on target...
    I just hope and pray that he gets really well soon, thus closing their mouths and stopping their pens forever!! Just as Placido Domingo has done eventually with all those who spoke and wrote against him so many times and for so many reasons in the past. Nobody dares to do it now. Even the ones who still don't like him at all are forced to bow to his greatness!!
    Personally, I firmly believe that Rolando will come vicorious out of the sad situation he is facing right now! Because he adors what he is doing and because he has the heart and soul to rise above the thunderstorm and overcome it. He only needs to find his peace inside again, which -for some reason- seems to have been temporarily destroyed. And in order to do that, he should completely ignore what anyone might think or say or write about him right now! These people are not worth any attention at all. He knows best what he has to do in order to recover. And we have to respect it. Then he will be fine again...
    I wish that for him, and I believe it with all my heart!!!

  19. No hay motivo para alarmarse, ni debemos dejarnos arrastrar por todos esos comentarios.

    Nosotros creemos en Rolando, y tenemos la seguridad de que vamos a a seguir disfrutando de todo lo que nos ofrece.

    Tenemos una total confianza en su espirítu de lucha y superación, su energia, su inteligencia.

    ¡Basta ya de lamentos, al menos entre los Villazonistas!
    (y los que no lo son, no tienen de que lamentarse, ¿no?)

    No quisiera ser desagradable, ni poco respetuosa, pero este no es un sitio para recoger tristezas, aqui sólo tienen cabida el positivismo y la confianza.


    There is no reason to be alarmed, neither should we be negatively influenced by all those comments.

    We believe in Rolando, and we are sure we are going to continue enjoy all he does.

    We have total trust in his spirit for fighting and surviving, his energy, and his intelligence.

    Let's not wallow in gloom, at least among us Villazonistas!
    (Those who aren't don't have anything to be gloomy about, do they?)

    I do not want to come across as nasty or disrespectful, but this is not the place for sadness. There is only room for positive thoughts and trust here.

  20. You are right Teresa. I am sorry if I crossed a line here... It's just that the feelings are too intense sometimes!... :)

  21. Cantidad de cantantes han cancelado, no una, sino varias funciones....y no pasa nada. El y las personas que le asesoran son los que mejor sabrán lo que conviene o no.
    Lo dije y lo repito, no seamos alarmistas, ni negativos ni demos entrada a tooooodos los que son "jeremías" (por los lamentos).
    Como dice Rolando, ¡arriba!.

  22. Calma muchachos, calma! Que nadie se deje llevar por el estruendo de los tambores! Sólo hacen eso: RUIDO!!!

    Rolando sabe lo que tiene que hacer y nosotros debemos saber esperar y mandarle nuestro cariño y apoyo.


  23. Certainly, Huhas1, I am not mad at you...There were a translator problem and a little misunderstanding.
    I adore Rolando and I am sincerely sad of these last events. I think that when he sang with Anna there was a special and unique "sparkle". It's my opinion and I respect others... That's why, if their usual and careful mutual attitude which shew their personal and artistic understanding had been changed because of difficult circumstances, (vocal problems for both of them), that would have been a proof of a real discord and also an additional trouble (especially for so generous Rolando...)And that's why I ask you this question about their mutual attitude during these 2 performances.

    If Rolando is (only) ill with a bad cold, I am convinced he will come on the stage quickly and indisputably VICTORIOUS.
    It's important that Rolando forgets this bad period and looks at his wonderful future...with his faithful public : US ! and many others...


  24. Catherine yes, everybody agree that when they sang together before, it was, like you said, "special and unique sparkle". Yes, It WAS..
    To be honest with you I did not notice anything like that this time.
    You asked me what I think.
    I think that those incredible performances together, full of real emotions, real beauty, outstanding "chemistry", caring for each other, sending to audience the enthusiasm, giving us a feeling that we are there with them and we love them both so much.. I think all this is in the past.

  25. I really can't believe that this is all really happening ! It's seems like a nightmare...I want my Traumpaar back ! =*(

  26. Anónimo7/2/09, 9:16

    This time, I start in English as almost every body uses the translator into English.
    Attacks on Rolando are not new!Back from Werther in Nice Jan06,in Diapason ,a French musical magazine, as his singing was sheer beauty,the only way to attack him was on his accent! Massenet of course needs to be sung by native French singers only, so what about Alfredo Kraus, never read nasty comments on his soft accent?just to show that critics do not respect singers as before and internet freedom gives everyone, like me, a right to say what they like!
    then there is hype: business from
    majors and opera-houses, so they all need stars and huge selling products.the Met story is a business story, and I am sure one day, what really happened for this Met -Lucia will 'transpire'!perhaps Rolando, reader, writer,and gifted cartoonist will dare say something.
    As for this 'tempest'? Hope and wait for him to recap and find a better path, far from the 'madding crowd'
    when Alagna went through the Scala turmoil,his records were first at the box-office, that is the world we live in, and Rolando said 'I am part of the system' he knows...all about it,he is perhaps more of a dreamer than others.But a very gifted dreamer we really love listening to. So let's hope for better times for him and us !
    the villazonistas of Liceù are now an international villazonistas group,this is what internet can be as well,when caring people (Teresa and friends)get hold of opinion !
    Great hope!
    Besos Rolanderos amigos !

  27. Anónimo7/2/09, 9:56

    Yvette je préfèrais quand tu parlais français, je pouvais mieux saisir toutes les nuances, mais ce site est international dorénavant !! pourrais tu me dire comment se servir du traducteur, j'ai essayé avec le traducteur google sur la colonne de droite et c'est du charabia !! ce soir je vais tout de même voir Lucia di Lammermoor mais le coeur n'y est pas, c'est bien parceque j'ai mon entrée
