22 sept 2011


Esta mañana, muy a primera hora, he recibido un email de Edith (danke schön!) que me avisaba de que Rolando saldría en el programa de ZDF Morganmagazin. Aquí tenéis el vídeo de una parte de esa participación, en el que podemos ver un Rolando con una energía desbordante, y eso que debía haber madrugado mucho para ir al programa, que es en directo, y se emite entre 05:30 – 09:00 h.

No he entendido mucho, bueno, casi nada, pero parece que ha estado también en la Fiesta de la Cerveza de Munich (¿coincidiría con Jonas Kaufmann?) y, en respuesta a una interpelación de la presentadora sobre sus muchos talentos, Rolando contesta con ironía algo así como ""El cerebro de un tenor es tan pequeño que queda una gran cantidad de espacio para otras cosas"

Después de publicado el post, Hannah ha tenido la gentileza de enviarme una transcripción en inglés, idioma que pueden entender muchos más lectores que el alemán:

She starts introducing him:  that it looks as if they invited a clown or if he at least had a clown for breakfast, but in fact that he is one of the world most famous tenors and definitely the most beloved one.

She asks if he ever attended the Oktoberfest: he says yes I love the german bier  “viva Deutschland und Bier” (bierra) and that he was there some years ago and that he was singing “o sole mio” and the public loved it.

She presents smile (cd) he says some titles, she asks if he is a moviefan, he says that these songs were very important in his childhood and this music is in his heart and then he shouts “help the red noses” and rednoses-website, he says that the red nose (which he puts her on) means liberty because with a red nose you can do everything. Then he sings smile… She asks what his favorite song is on the cd and he says “smile” and Non rien de rien (singing)…

She says that he is singing, doing mise-en-scene, doing casting shows, drawings, when does he have the time for all that, how many hours has his day. He answers –puts the red nose on her again (she says she is sweating) “energy comes from life” and that his day has  13/25/23/28 hours…and that his tenor-brain is so small that in his head is enough space for lots of other things…

She asks what he is doing in his free time and he says: being together with my family, playing with the kids, drinking coffee with my wife, reading, drawing, singing, being with doctor clowns, life is beautiful…you always get all the bad news…you have to concentrate on the good things in life.

She says: we can be very happy that you didn’t become a priest…he says if she thinks the pope (who is in Berlin today) will go to Oktoberfest…and corrects her …not a priest but a Christian Brother of Lasalle … she asks him to draw something and he has only 20 seconds, he talks about the Mexico-cd for which he will get the Echo Klassik next week and he again talks about the red noses.

Y Joanna (from New York) ha dejado un "explosivo" comentario, que, para que nadie se lo pierda, copio también aquí.

Acclaimed Tenor Blows Out Power Grid, Stuns Scientists

Celebrated tenor Rolando Villazón shocked the residents of Berlin yesterday when he inadvertantly blew out the electrical grid, leading to widespread power outages that crippled the city for hours. City officials state that the alarming incident occurred while the tenor was being interviewed on ZDF channel’s Morganmagazin, a program not usually known for being the vehicle for massive public disruption and chaos.

Program executives affirm that they were concerned when Villazón arrived at the studio, and they observed that his curls were twirling, sparks were flying off his head, and his eyes were spinning around in circles, a curious behavior that guests do not generally exhibit. They nevertheless gave the go-ahead for Villazón to do the interview despite serious misgivings about his extreme state of agitation.

From the outset of the interview, the tenor, known for his ebullient and effervescent personality and boundless energy, exhibited a degree of excitement and hyperactivity unusual even for the bubbly superstar. Villazón scrambled for clown noses on the floor, burst into song, and chattered effusively, all the while gesticulating wildly with his arms and fidgeting in his chair. The key moment came when Villazón drew a caricature of himself with lightning speed and held it up to the camera. Eye witnesses report that when the program cut to a commercial break, the lights flickered, then went out throughout the city.

Representatives of the Power Authority believe that Villazón's massive blast of energy was the equivalent of an enormous solar flare, which was simply too much for the transformers to handle. Unsubstantiated reports claim that entire computer networks were knocked out and several satellites were thrown off course.

Chancellor Angela Merkel and representatives of the Power Authority at first thought to press charges against Villazón until they realized that his unbridled energy could be used to the country’s advantage, supplying massive amounts of earth-friendly electricity for years to come. Scientists and engineers are currently drawing up plans to harness this force of nature, which they admit will be the challenge of a lifetime. As one remarked skeptically, “YOU try telling the sun what to do.”

Speculation runs rampant as to the cause of Villazón's astonishing burst of energy. Some experts hypothesize that the tenor had one too many cups of coffee before the interview. Others speculate that he might have stuck a fork into an electrical outlet and needed to discharge some energy. Many believe that he was running on carpeting in his socks, creating a massive buildup of static. The most compelling explanation came from Nobel Laureate in Physics and part-time exotic dancer, Dr. Joanna “Ka-Boom-Ba” from New York: “Sometimes you can't explain a phenomenon. It's just how he's wired.”

12 comentarios:

  1. Wow, this is really cute. Rolando's really focused, listening to her. Then he goes off into the stratosphere.... :)

  2. Dios mio, qué energía a esas horas de la "madrugada"!
    La presentadora ha debido quedarse agotada del terremoto que ha tenido lugar en su presencia...El terremoto de las zapatillas rojas.
    No hay un solo momento en que se quede quieto, constantemente está moviendo alguna parte de su cuerpo.
    Seguro que en su infancia no era un niño hiperactivo?

  3. Acclaimed Tenor Blows Out Power Grid, Stuns Scientists

    Celebrated tenor Rolando Villazón shocked the residents of Berlin yesterday when he inadvertantly blew out the electrical grid, leading to widespread power outages that crippled the city for hours. City officials state that the alarming incident occurred while the tenor was being interviewed on ZDF channel’s Morganmagazin, a program not usually known for being the vehicle for massive public disruption and chaos.

    Program executives affirm that they were concerned when Villazón arrived at the studio, and they observed that his curls were twirling, sparks were flying off his head, and his eyes were spinning around in circles, a curious behavior that guests do not generally exhibit. They nevertheless gave the go-ahead for Villazón to do the interview despite serious misgivings about his extreme state of agitation.

    From the outset of the interview, the tenor, known for his ebullient and effervescent personality and boundless energy, exhibited a degree of excitement and hyperactivity unusual even for the bubbly superstar. Villazón scrambled for clown noses on the floor, burst into song, and chattered effusively, all the while gesticulating wildly with his arms and fidgeting in his chair. The key moment came when Villazón drew a caricature of himself with lightning speed and held it up to the camera. Eye witnesses report that when the program cut to a commercial break, the lights flickered, then went out throughout the city.

    Representatives of the Power Authority believe that Villazón's massive blast of energy was the equivalent of an enormous solar flare, which was simply too much for the transformers to handle. Unsubstantiated reports claim that entire computer networks were knocked out and several satellites were thrown off course.

    Chancellor Angela Merkel and representatives of the Power Authority at first thought to press charges against Villazón until they realized that his unbridled energy could be used to the country’s advantage, supplying massive amounts of earth-friendly electricity for years to come. Scientists and engineers are currently drawing up plans to harness this force of nature, which they admit will be the challenge of a lifetime. As one remarked skeptically, “YOU try telling the sun what to do.”

    Speculation runs rampant as to the cause of Villazón's astonishing burst of energy. Some experts hypothesize that the tenor had one too many cups of coffee before the interview. Others speculate that he might have stuck a fork into an electrical outlet and needed to discharge some energy. Many believe that he was running on carpeting in his socks, creating a massive buildup of static. The most compelling explanation came from Nobel Laureate in Physics and part-time exotic dancer, Dr. Joanna “Ka-Boom-Ba” from New York: “Sometimes you can't explain a phenomenon. It's just how he's wired.”

  4. On est heureux de le voir en pleine forme , sa voix est "en place "dès le matin !
    la présentatrice dit qu'il est un des grands ténors actuels et le plus aimé!
    il dit qu'il a déjà été à l'Oktoberfest (mais pas cette année ), demande si le Pape va y aller (jok) , parle de son cd "La Strada", de l'action "Rednoses" , des différentes activités qu'il pratique ;
    et recommande de prendre tout ce qu'il y a de positif dans la vie !

  5. Toujours étonnant et surprenant Rolando !!
    Energie fantastique,humour ,générosité.
    Comment ne pas aimé un être pareil !!!C'est un cadeau de la vie,d'abord sa voix ,ensuite sa bonté.
    Belle leçon de vie,il faut profiter des bons moments (ses enfants ,sa femme etc..)
    Quand à vous Joanna ,vous êtes fantastique !!
    Chaque fois que je vous lit vous me faites mourir de rire.
    Ecrivez à compte d'auteur ,reprenez
    tous vos textes.je suis sûre que ça se vendra :o))))))))
    Ma fille libraire se fera un plaisir d'en mettre dans sa vitrine.

    Merci ,vous êtes trop drôle ...

  6. Quelle énergie !!! une tornade cet homme, il avait du avaler un litre de café pour l'aider à se réveiller si tôt!!
    En plus d'être clown c'est le Monsieur 100 000 volts de l'Opéra.

    Il semble tout à fait prêt pour chanter Hoffmann, un rôle qui demande une vitalité débordante.
    Merci infiniment à Edith, et à Hannah pour sa traduction en anglais.

  7. catherine la parisienne23/9/11, 10:17

    Rolando ne craint pas, visiblement, de se lever tôt et son exhubérance n'en souffre pas du tout....
    On peut dire qu'il est (presque?) au paroxysme de l'excitation et j'admire la présentatrice qui garde un (tout petit) peu de sérieux pour affronter un clown aussi ingérable que charmant.
    Lorsqu'il cite la chanson de Kermit, en particulier, la fixant d'un regard irrésistible,elle parvient à continuer son interview avec le même sang froid.

    Fantastique commentaire de Joanna dont l'humour me ravit une fois encore par son à propos et sa pertinence "impertinente"...
    Ses allusions aux perturbations "électriques" me rappellent l'un des premiers commentaires de mon père, grand amateur d'Opéra, au sujet de Rolando :"Il chante merveilleusement mais il faudrait qu'il enlève ses doigts de la prise..."

  8. Catherine, ese comentario de tu padre es ABSOLUTAMENTE GENIAL...y muy aplicable a la entrevista televisiva de ayer. Lo traduzco por si alguien no lo acaba de entender en francés.
    Es uno de los primeros comentarios del padre de Catherine, gran aficionado a la ópera, sobre Rolando: "Canta maravillosamente, pero debería sacar sus dedos del enchufe".

  9. Thank you, Claudine, Catherine, and Teresa! That was definitely Rolandito on the loose yesterday. One thing I can say for sure is that I will never run out of material as far as Rolando is concerned. Never a dull moment. ;-)))

  10. Joanna, Absolutely brilliant!! You are a comic genius — just like Rolando!

  11. FromCanarias25/9/11, 13:22

    Energía desbordante, sin duda!!!
