28 feb 2010


Los villazonistas y simpatizantes forman una extensa red social (riéte tú del Facebook) que está por todas partes y transmite rápido la información. ¿Que Rolando y Lucía están asistiendo a un acto? al día siguiente tenemos la foto. ¿Que Rolando asiste aun concierto de Barenboim en Paris? al día siguiente lo publicamos en el blog ¿Que Rolando sale en la BBC1? pues de eso tenemos notícia e imágenes el mismo día.

Esta vez ha sido Roberto quien nos ha hecho llegar una muy interesante información: Rolando ha sido artista invitado, esta mañana de domingo, en THE ANDREW MARR SHOW, de la BBC1, interpretando L'alba separa dalla luce l'ombra.  Enseguida que Roberto lo ha visto, ha cogido su móbil y ha grabado las imágenes que lo testimonian, y luego nos las ha envíado. Se lo agradecemos de todo corazón.

THE ANDREW MARR SHOW es un prestigioso programa, de gran audiencia, que se emite los domingos por la mañana en la BBC1, y que trata de temas de actualidad, política y también alguna actuación musical.

El programa de hoy ha contado con estos invitados:

Guests appearing on The Andrew Marr Show
Sunday 28th February 2010
  • George Osborne, Shadow Chancellor
  • Peter Hain, Welsh Secretary
  • Andrew Rawnsley, political author
  • Sam West, actor
  • Rolando Villazon, tenor
  • Newspapers reviewed by Sun columnist Jane Moore, and Greg Dyke, former Director General of the BBC

Os dejo primero la grabación de Roberto y, después el vídeo que finalmente ha subido la BBC, pero este segundo no sé si va a estar disponible por muchos días.


Desde luego, la aparición de Rolando en este prestigioso programa echa por tierra todas las absurdas predicciones de los que le relegaban (encantados ellos) exclusivamente a programas de entretenimiento.  Sea en un reality-show, en un programa de información política, en la gran pantalla o en un teatro de ópera (detrás o delante del escenario) , Rolando demuestra tener un amplio campo de posibilidades de expresión artística. ¿Que eso no es lo habitual? Pues no, evidentemente ¿Pero acaso nuestro Rolando es convencional? Pues eso.

Aprovecho para dejaros un enlace a un artículo que descubrí ayer, del blog BONNE CHANSON, titulado  Rupert versus Rolando  LEER POST . No tiene desperdicio, pero me quedo con esta parte:

If anyone thinks the British public is going to confuse this TV show with the real thing, or to imagine that it takes only a few lessons to make an opera star, then it is being credited with very little intelligence indeed. This show is just a bit of fun (not parody). The participants are having fun (though they're working hard too), but they're not making fun of opera singers. Putting aside the "operatic" element, the programme is worth watching as an experiment to find out how well people can learn a different type of singing in a short time, what sort of progress they may or may not make, whether they have any aptitude for it, what sort of strengths and weaknesses show up, how well (or poorly) their voices function and adapt, how they cope with nerves, and answers to all sorts of other questions related to human behaviour in a competitive environment. And that is how I think most viewers will see it. They're not going to think, "If I do this I'll be able to sing at La Scala di Milano next year." The format is similar to the programmes where Gordon Ramsay teaches cooks in hamburger joints to do a spot of cordon bleu. Just because they've taken part in Hell's Kitchen doesn't qualify them to apply for the position of head chef at the Ritz. Nor do these shows devalue the work of the Michelin-starred chefs of the world. 

12 comentarios:

  1. How wonderful for Rolando to be appearing on this wonderful program. It continues to stupefy me that such a fuss was made over PtoO, and the blog comment included here is very simply and eloquently sane on the subject.

    And as for Rolando, my goodness, he sounds just wonderful and he looks preposterously handsome. That hair has to stay, Roli!


  2. Benissimo, cara Teresa, la pubblicazione di parte dell'articolo in inglese del Bonne Chanson. E' una buona spiegazione e uno schiarimento per tante cose. Bravissima e GRAZIE

  3. Voila qui devrait faire taire bien des mauvaises langues,en premier lieu, Rolando est reconnu par BBC 1,programme sérieux et de grande audience, comme un grand ténor et le grand artiste qu'il est.
    Puis le post du blog "bonne chanson" plein de bon sens et d'intelligence,(je vous conseille de le lire en entier) qui remet les choses à leur juste place, et ne voit ni scandale, ni honte, ni déshonneur pour Rolando,à sa participation à PTO.
    Comme cela semble bon de lire enfin des propos aussi sensés !!!

  4. Bien por Rolando! No tengo ninguna duda de que el tiempo pondrá las cosas en su lugar, pero se agradecen artículos sensatos y con sentido común como el de este blog. Está muy bien, yo también recomiendo leerlo entero, vale la pena. Gràcies de nou Teresa per la info... no se te n'escapa ni una!!! ;-D!

  5. In that first clip it's weird how good his voice sounds in that trail from TV, via mobile phone, via internet, to our ears...!! (Thanks Robert!)

    Do you know what I mean? It's like hearing a great voice from the past via whatever recording techniques managed to capture the singer. Some of the detail is missing but what's left are the signs of greatness.

    And thanks as well for the clip from the BBC website that confirms it all.

    It cheered me up the way Rolando laughed when Marr said some opera critics had 'growled' at him. He dismisses the thought with a laugh: 'I don't mind!' Quite right!!

    Thanks for sharing this Teresa!

    All best,

  6. Hey, Spider, where is the interview where he comments on the critics? It's not in these two clips, is it? Please advise!

  7. Welcome Spider, I really enjoy your words: "It's like hearing a great voice from the past via whatever recording techniques managed to capture the singer. Some of the detail is missing but what's left are the signs of greatness."

    Thank you very much for this comment!

  8. Thank you Teresa, and also to Joanna from New York...

    As soon as I posted I realised that Andrew Marr's comment and Rolando's reply wasn't part of the link. I'm in the UK, which is how I've been able to find it - on the BBC iPlayer.

    Over the next few days (I'm busy, forgive me, else it would come sooner) I'll send a transcript of the interview to Teresa, and so you will see it or read it at least.

    Sorry for the confusion and I promise to make it right!!

    All best,

  9. Gracias por la aclaración, Spider.

    Las personas que vivan en UK pueden ver el video del programa, hasta el 7 de marzo, aquí:

  10. Thanks so much Teresa and Spider!

    Grrr!!!!!!!!! Why can't we view all those great things on British TV?

  11. THANK YOU VERY MUCH SPIDER, each interview of Rolando is precious for every Villazonistas
