6 oct 2008

BREVES...Huhas1 (THANKS!) nos envia sus impresiones sobre E. Onegin

I attended 2 performances, premiere and second show. Production is highly unusual for "Onegin" but definitely Mr. Freyer had his strong conception.
The main idea is about inertia of life and loneliness of each person.
In way it is possible to tie up this with "Onegin".
Practically it was no action on the stage. Absolute minimum of movements. Music (orchestra) in this condition somehow was even more important. Barenboim was great, all singing were (may be because of production) quite faceless, all but Rolando...He was THE STAR. His voice never was better. His timbre had so many colors, he was expressing all Lensky's joy and pain with incredible energy. How he could do it without any movement, in fact it was some movements. In most difficult places of aria he had practically to stay on one leg and slowly go down on one knee and again slowly to go up. I know that at the end of performance he had pain in all body.
Second time I see him as Lensky (first was in Covent Garden 2006) and again there is opinion that opera should be named 'Lensky'. Rolando was absolute center of all three hours of show. His gorgeous singing and his presence on the stage so powerful that he "occupies" all stage and takes all your attention. Incredible Artist. And.. HE LIKES production. His intelligent and adventurous nature allows him to enjoy experimenting.

6 comentarios:

  1. Me encanta que el experimento "Onegin" haya salido tan bien. Ahora quizá descubramos una faceta en Rolando que desconociamos, eso siempre es bueno.
    Otra cosa, no se donde meter el comentario pero, me ENCANTA la foto de laS VILLAZONISTAS. Genial!!! El sentido del humor ha de ser una de nuestras características.

  2. Desde luego, que no falte el sentido del humor, Maria Teresa, ¡que a esta vida no hemos venido a sufrir!... Por cierto...creo que no te diste cuenta cuando nos hicieron la foto, creo que tu eres la de la segunda fila con el abriguito rosa...estas monísima...

  3. Gracias Huhas1 !! Me alegra saber que Rolando esta igual de genial tanto en movimiento como en reposo !

    Ah, por cierto, eso se avisa y otro día me pongo el sombrero rojo para salir en la foto, que no se me ve !!!!!!!!!!! Snif, snif...

  4. JA, JA, JA!!! Qué gracioso! Estas villazonistas son increíbles y gracias por acercarnos el comentario de Huhas1, no podía ser de otra manera, Rolando es una fuente inagotable de creación. Ojalá podamos ver el video. Gracias! Natalrol.

  5. Critique intéressante, parue aujourd'hui, de la représentation du 1er octobre sur Seen and heard international opera review.

    Il semble,à la lecture de tous ces commentaires d'origine diverse, que le vrai héros de l'oeuvre de Tchaikovsky soit Rolando dont les talents multiples (scéniques et vocaux) ont fait oublier l'ennui de la mise en scène.

    Vivement Hoffmann à Londres! la première aura lieu le 25 novembre, jour de la Sainte Catherine; hélàs, je n'y serai pas...


  6. AQUI podéis leer la crítica que amablemente nos cita Catherine.
