15 sept 2008


...........................15 de setiembre, SAN ROLANDO
Y poniendo al nuevo blog bajo esta advocación, y tras felicitar a todos los Rolando ( Y A UNO MUY ESPECIALMENTE !!!) iniciamos la andadura de este blog, que no pretende ser un gran crucero, sino un ágil velero de madera que navegue por diferentes mares operísticos...

Y para celebrarlo, os invitamos a todos los que os paséis por aquí a celebrarlo con cava bien frio. También hay un pastel, muy bien acompañado, encima de la mesa. Hemos tirado algunos cohetes... y el barco ya está listo para zarpar. Pero...¡CUIDADO! no os mareéis...con las vueltas que da el cubo, claro.

5 comentarios:

  1. És estrany trobar blocs clars, ben fets, interessants i sense pedanteria que parlin d'òpera. Que a més de correctes i bons, siguin com aquest, elegants, és cosa que sols poden fer senyores com aquestes. Felicitats, senyores!

  2. Dear Teresa

    I think all meanning of the ROLANDO blog is to give ALL our hearts to ONE person and not to divide for many others..[like somebody says beczalistas, kauffmannistas etc]. Those people probably have their own blogs, let's not to worry about them...

    Also I know that Rolando is bigger than to belong to Spain or Catalunya, he belongs to WORLD. Of course you will read eveything with your wonderful translators but hundreds or more people who will visit this great place will NOT be able to really communicate. With full respect to local languages, I think will be wise to use official international language of EU - English. Also it could be blog in TWO languages, like a lot's of materials in Internet or in some magazines.

    Thanks again for this great achievement.

  3. Carlitus, no hi ha perill que caiguem en la pedanteria, que això només ho poder fer els que en saben molt i molt (...o no es ben bé així?). Gracies, guapo!

    Dear Huhas, Thank you for your good wishes. As for the languages issue, since you're on the other side of the pond you don't seem to be well-informed on two points. The first one is that English is not the official EU languages. There are actually several official languages, and they all have the same recognition as English. The second point is that if we wanted this blog to reach a maximum number of readers we would have to write in Chinese, which has over 1.000 million speakers. After Chinese there is Spanish (358 million speakers), and in the third place English (322 million speakers). As Spanish is Rolando's native tongue, speakers of romance languages can easily understand each other, and countries with romance languages have a very strong opera tradition, the decision to write the blog in Spanish was an easy one. And last but not least, it's our language and our blog. We will be very pleased to see blogs devoted to Rolando in English, Chinese or Hindi (the fourth most-spoken language).
    We hope language won't be an obstacle to have you around.
    Kind regards,

  4. Hola, Villazonistes,

    Com que dieu que aquest bloc engega oficialment el dia 15, us deixo aquí la meva felicitació per la vostra iniciativa.

    Jo també sóc villazonista i estaré encantada de visitar-vos ben sovint, per tant, us posem un enllaç al nostre bloc.

    Una abraçada per a totes i especialment per a la Glòria.

  5. Hola Glòria ! Les Glòries i les Tereses abundem per aquí, com les coses bones, modestia a part ...Ja et llegiem els comentaris al Samfaina..també quedeu enllaçats, esperem que ens visitis sovint, a Cal Rolando !
